Friday, May 14, 2010

ER and why I'm happy:)

My ER was May 12th, the day we got off the plane for Panama.

We got 5 eggs.  I'm very happy with this, I wasn't before, but now I am.  I'll probably have just enough to transfer 2 or 3.  Part of me doesn't want to have any to freeze cause I'm not sure I would come back for a FET or not.  So this is a perfect scenario.  Those eggs are full of goodness, I just know it!!

I was pretty sore yesterday to the point where getting up and peeing was a huge challenge, but it's a lot different today, I feel much better.

I cannot wait to be home though.  With my embies in me, cuddled up on the couch, watching movies with Adam.  Cannot wait.

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