Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What's on our mind?

Tracie e-mailed me today asking a question.

 What are your 3 worries and 3 fun things you are looking forward to on this trip? 

My answers were as follows:


1) One of us gets sick or is physically not able to go through with it the procedure.


3) We get there and they pull a fast one on us with fees.

Looking forward to:

1) meeting Tracie and Ava:)

2) getting to see two beautiful countries

3)having new experiences!!

Tracie made me do my own before I looked at hers which were:


1) Something physically stopping us from going

2) Bunk embryos


Looking forward to:

1) Shopping local markets

2) Getting a great fert report

3) Toes in the sand and surf at midnight
What would be the top 3 worries/3 things you would be looking forward to?  What do you think we should be worried about?

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